This 1993 issue is 80 pages long and compiles the best of the material from the old .
HISTORY includes "The Glory of the Heroes" about a Federation base that is overwhelmed by a Romulan Attack.
DATABASE (which is now the Communications section) includes:
- Convention winners
- Origins reports from 84-85-86-87
- Staff awards
- Klingon battlecruisers
- Why
- Proposals board
- Kommodore Ketrick
- Ten Classic Questions
- Speeding up SFB
- and how BPV works.
SCENARIOS includes three classic ones (SP1701, SP80, and SP222).
TACTICS includes:
- Term Papers
- Frigate Squadrons
- In the Heat of Battle
- and Ask Uncle Ardak.
THE ACADEMY compiles the classroom sessions (the professor asks questions of cadets with names suspiciously like the guys on the BBS) including:
- The first session
- Spencer's Gambit
- Captain K.
- Expanding Spheres
- Plasmas
- Cloaks
- Drones
- Andromedans
- The Coalition Brotherhood Banquet
- Sending Gerard Home (Orion Tactics)
- Webs
- The ISC
- Mid-Term Review
- and The Tactics Board.
- Q&A
- Tactical Notes
- Combat Missions
- The ISC in F&E (18 years before they finally got published in ISC WAR!)
- and two scenarios.
Written by Stephen Cole